Wednesday, January 30, 2008


OK, I know y'all are probably sick of hearing me complain, but I don't know when I have ever been this tired. It hit me at about 3:00 today, right after the kids woke up from their nap. I laid on the couch and passed out, with the kids running around playing and crawling all over me. Then I realized, I have to get up and get the drawers emptied because John is coming home at 5:00 with help to move the bedroom furniture out. So I pushed myself up and have been pushing myself since then. I decided it's time for a break.What comes to mind is when I used to work at Stanley's Drug in Waynesboro, MS and I would get so tired at the end of the day I could literally lay down on that thinly-carpet-covered concrete floor and sack out.

The important question now is: Will the Penske truck hold all of our stuff? PLEASE, PLEASE, work! And where in the world did all this little, cluttery stuff that fits in no category whatsoever but must be necessary for daily living come from? (Run-on sentence there). I did some major clothes purging tonight. I am soooo sick of my wardrobe. If you could call it that. Everything is either too little, an incomplete outfit, or something someone kind-heartedly handed down but I feel like I'm 45 when I wear it. I think I have a total of 3 Sunday morning outfits that I wear. Mainly due to the fact that my husband hyperventilates when he hears the word "shop".And probably also because I shop more for my kids than myself. Boy, this paragraph sure is subject-bouncy, huh?

Next thought on my mind: VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean). I. DO. NOT. WANT. ANOTHER. C-SECTION. This will most likely be a subject you hear a lot about from me in the next 5-6 months or so. Be prepared.

This may be my last blog for a while (a week or so). But keep checking back. Ya never know!


Brandy said...

You know that we all hit that stage where we can't go on, but remember there is that period where you bounce back and are go, go, go. I hope that you have a good and safe trip. Maybe I will actually be able to see you next month.

Autumn said...

I know that moving is super exhausting, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and just think are kids will get to play with each other more than once every three months once your here. I can't wait!!