Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Power of Encouragement

To encourage, is to inspire, to stimulate, to promote, says Webster. I have often asked, in prayer, for the Lord to make me an encourager. But I don't think I really grasped what it meant, until now. Not until someone showed me--inspired me, stimulated me, promoted me. They looked for the good in me, the positive potential for greatness, that I did not, nor have I ever seen before. They brought it to light and promoted me to strive for more. They showed me a goal and inspired me to reach for it. They shared stories with me of great and mighty deeds God has done through them in their own personal prayer life and stimulated me to deepen the intensity of my communication with God. They promoted me by pointing out how God wanted to use me in ways I never dreamed, and nudged me when he actually did--saying, "See, what did I tell you?"

Let me take a moment, if I may, to inspire you. God is waiting, in suspense, for you to discover the potential that He has put in you. He knows it is there, because He put it there. It may be buried underneath feelings of inferiority and self-doubt, but it's there. If you could see what He sees when He looks at you, and what you could be--you'd spread your wings and soar. It takes faith to push past the layers of self-degradation. Faith in God first, then faith in yourself.

Let me promote you to prepare yourself for God to have His way with you. What are your spiritual goals? Sit down and write out a list of areas where you would like to see progress in--is it your prayer life? Is it a greater faith? Is it for power and anointing of the Holy Ghost to sing or testify?  Teach, lead, or step out in a brand new area of ministry? Seek God's face for His direction, soak it in prayer, then stand back and give Him a chance to work.

Let me stimulate you: when He sees a heart and a life that is open, yielded, and truly desiring to break out of its ordinary condition, He will be delighted. He will fill it to overflowing with purpose, passion, and fruitfulness.

Look around--do you see anyone who could use a little encouragement? Go ahead--inspire, promote, stimulate!

1 comment:

South GA Mama said...

So thankful you are blogging again! I always have enjoyed reading here. I leave encouraged! :)